Published November 25th 2011 by Great Thunder Publishing
ISBN: 0984770607 (ISBN13: 9780984770601)
Sign Language
A Look at the Historic and Prophetic Landscape of America
by Terry M. Wildman
Terry Wildman writes of a justice long-denied, not only for Native peoples who have suffered the loss of lands, livelihood, and life as the American empire spread across the continent, but also for those who struggle for life and liberty to this very day. Like the prophets of Israel, he seeks to correct our eyesight-to set before us God’s vision and God’s truth and to expose things that we, the American church, would rather not see about ourselves. Like the biblical prophets, he shoulders a burden that he bears out of love for God, the people of God, and the nation. Terry knows what God’s ancient messengers knew, that right remembering is essential for right believing and right living. He not only sees the past well, he knows how to read the present and direct us into God’s future.
From the Foreword, by L. Daniel Hawk Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew Ashland Theological Seminary