Our New Testament Translation Council
Our NT translation council was selected from a cross-section of Native North Americans; elders, pastors, young adults, and men and women from differing tribes and diverse geographic locations. This council also represents a diversity of church and denominational traditions to minimize bias.
Our initial group, forming our translation council, consisted of twelve First Nations individuals representing tribes from these diverse geographical regions. This council determined the style and method of translation to be used and some continued to be involved in the review process and cultural consultation. From this group, a smaller council was chosen that determined the key translation terms.
The members of our translation council are listed below (one is anonymous) with their North American tribal heritages:

The following ministries have also given of their time to participate in this project:
- Rain Ministries: RainMinistries.com
- OneBook of Canada: https://www.onebook.ca/fnv
- Mending Wings: MendingWings.net
- Montana Indian Ministries: MontanaIndianMinistries.org
- Native InterVarsity: native.intervarsity.org