Salem/Bradley Indian Church – Aug 20th

Salem/Bradley Indian Church 695 128th Ave., Shelbyville, MI, United States

RainSong, Terry and Darlene Wildman will be sharing our music and storytelling on Sunday 10am Michigan time.  

Miami Days at the Pillars – Aug 26th

Miami Pillars 5400 E. Mississinewa Rd, Peru, IN, United States

Terry and Darlene will be participating in the Miami Days at the Pillars in Peru Indiana on Saturday Aug 26th. Click the link below for more info. Directions from…

First Nations Truth and Reconciliation Event – Canada

Pacific Academy 10238 168 Street, Surrey BC, V4N 1Z4, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Terry and Darlene will share their music, storytelling, a perspectives with schools in Canada, in recognition of the first official Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada. They plan to bring…

Fellowship Center for Racial Reconciliation – Nov 5th 2023

Mountainside Communion 303 W Colorado Blvd, Monrovia, CA, United States

Location:  Mountainside Communion, 303 W Colorado Blvd, Monrovia, CA 91016 Terry will be speaking on the FNV. "Being Who Creator Made us to Be: An Evening with the Lead Translator…

Azusa Pacific University Chapel – Nov 6th 2023

Terry and Darlene will lead the chapel service with music and storytelling. Terry will speak to the students about worship in other cultures and provide a time for Q and…

Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church – Nov 12th 2023

Mountian Shadows Presbyterian Church 3201 E Mountainare Dr., Tucson, AZ, United States

Terry and Darlene will speak and share storytelling from the First Nations Version during the Sunday morning service.  Community welcome.    

SMU Perkins Fall Convocation – Nov 13-14, 2023

SMU Perkins School of Theology 6001 Bishop Doulevard, Dallas, TX, United States

Perkins Fall Convocation is an annual gathering highlighting various intersections of faith and culture through relevant lectures, presentations, workshops and liturgical expressions around a selected theme. Formerly Ministers Week, Fall…